
Photoshop Brushes Tutorial

First off, it's great to see so many of you starting to post on the Blog :) Don't forget to leave a comments for your peers. We all like to know that others are reading our posts!

In addition to the challenge posts. I thought it also might be useful for me to post some actual instructional content for those of you still learning the craft. As always your input and questions are appreciated, and I encourage everyone on this blog to post links to tutorials they find helpful.

Photoshop Brushes
This tutorial pretty much tries to explain all the finer points of the photoshop brushes pallet. To get you started on making your own custom brushes, I've provided some download links to my own custom brushes sets. View the tutorial images for instructions on how to install and edit them.

Tutorial pages:

1. How to install custom .abr files
2. Brush Options and Brush Creation Pallet
3. Create Brush Tip Shape and Customize Stroke
4. Shape Dynamics, Scattering and Color Dynamics
5. Texture Brushes & Dual Layer Brushes

Custom Brushes
Standard|Pixel Brushes3|Calligraphic3|Rakes|Dotted Lines|
Chain Stamps and Scatter Brushes | Spots and Stripes Pattern Brushes|Pencils and Fuzzy Brushes |

Best Regards,
Claire Marshall



MoStarkey said...

I'm such a brush geek. Thanks for the tute...

Unknown said...

I like this tutorial because you explain all the finer points of the photoshop brushes pallet in the post. Keep up the good work.
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